5 UMMA Objects
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Benin (ancient Nigerian)
Leopard Box Lid
1870 – 1880
Gift of Mrs. Chet LaMore
A copper inkwell in the shape of a man's head with a long, pointed beard.  His hat acts as the stopper.
Artist Unknown
Beard man with hat copper ink well with ink well insert
1875 – 1975
Gift in loving memory of Donald Maxwell Robiner from his family
Kneeling statue of Buddhist monk devotee Mogallana or Shariputra on a pedestal with round face, hair in tight curls, elongated ears, and hands placed together in mediatation.  The pedestal is decorated with lotus petals, and the devotee wears an intricate, close-fitting robe.
Kneeling Monk Devotee (one of a pair)
1800 – 1932
Gift of Doris Duke's Southeast Asian Art Collection
This is a blue glass inkwell with a copper lid. The body has a flattened globe shape and the lid is dark brown in color.<br />
Artist Unknown
Opaque blue inkwell, rounded shaped copper lid
1875 – 1975
Gift in loving memory of Donald Maxwell Robiner from his family
Kneeling statue of Buddhist monk devotee Mogallana or Shariputra on a pedestal with round face, hair in tight curls, elongated ears, and hands placed together in mediatation.  The pedestal is decorated with lotus petals, and the devotee wears an intricate, close-fitting robe.
Kneeling Monk Devotee (one of a pair)
1800 – 1932
Gift of Doris Duke's Southeast Asian Art Collection